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關於waterman鋼筆的評價, 做作的Daphne

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【警察襲擊清真寺】香港警察以水炮車襲擊尖沙咀清真寺,門外10多位信徒及市民,包括印度協會前主席,融樂會總幹事及譚文豪在內全部被水炮射中。 【Police attacked the Kowloon Masjid and Islamic Centre】Multiple citizens were shot by water cannon outside the Kowloon Masjid, and are currently being transported to a hospital to check for injuries. Among the recorded injured are Mohan Chugani, former chairman of the Indian Association of Hong Kong,  Executive Director of the Hong Kong Unison, and Jeremy Tam Man-ho.
